Why you are interested in serving on the Board of Directors?
"I want every opportunity to be involved in the community that has shaped COJC. The skills I possess are a willingness to get involved and make things happen. Working with Oklahoma's most difficult youth for the past 9 years has taught me it is better to address the issue and resolve it at the beginning of the issue. I have a Bachelors of Arts in Legal Studies. This leads me to look at many things through a lens of legality. I want to know that what is being done can be supported by procedure in order to keep us out of harms way. This as an added skill of my almost decade long experience with youth and can assist in, not only growing the chamber but ensuring it is on the right footing. The industry I work with has an immense ability to provide assistance to the Tecumseh community as a whole. The youth served by COJC have always been willing to lend a helping hand to any community project that comes our way. With the current 57 residents housed at the facility there are plenty of opportunities to be involved."
Now tell the membership a bit about you. Share your background, interests, hobbies, and other fun information.
I grew up in the relatively small town of Los Banos in the central valley of California. After graduating high school I went on to attend California State University- Chico where I received my Bachelor's of Art in Political Science/Legal Studies and a certification in paralegal studies. While in my last years at Chico I became the director of Disability and law at the Community Legal Information Center. There I grew a passion for helping those that can't always help themselves. While in school I also served in the United States Marine Corps where spent six years as a member of Bravo Company, 4th Marine Logistics Group. I served one tour in Iraq as well as on a detachment in Africa providing humanitarian assistance. Following graduation I moved to Oklahoma and took a position at Pottawatomie County Juvenile Detention center. That is where I found my passion for working with difficult youth. After four years as the Deputy Director in Juvenile Detention I moved to Secure Care At COJC. I have been with this facility for 5 and half years and now serve as the Institutional Program Coordinator. Outside of my work I have a beautiful family that I adore. My wife, Amber, and I have been married for six years and have 3 gorgeous daughters Kyla (14), Madisyn (7) and Cambria (4). Our evenings and weekends are filled with cheer and dance and everything that sparkles. I am a sports enthusiast but my passion is and always will be wrestling. I was a fan of Oklahoma State long before I claimed it as home.
Talent and Experience:
As the current Institutional Program Coordinator of COJC, I have a high emphasis on leadership, community relations and event cooridination.
Tell us a little bit about your organization.
COJC provides care, guidance, discipline, education, rehabilitation and reintegration services for male youth between the ages of 14-19. Residents of COJC have been adjudicated by the court as a Delinquent or Youthful Offender (YO), are in the custody of the Office of Juvenile Affairs and meet the requirements for placement in a secure treatment facility.