Please tell us a little bit about the organization you work for.
"Family owned business specializing in waste water and sewer line utility construction for local municipalities and businesses"
What do you love most about Tecumseh?
"The small town flavor and knowing mostly everyone."
What is your greatest hope for the Tecumseh, OK community?
"To maintain the great level of education for the children, the beautiful scenery and feel of the town, as well as for the continued health and safety of its residents."
Please tell the membership a bit about you. Share your background, interests, hobbies, and other fun information.
"Graduated from OU in 1971 with a degree in Business Management. Married my wife Sheila 49 years ago and have lived in Tecumseh while raising our 2 children who are now adults. I also served in the US Marine Corps, been a member of the Chamber of Commerce for several years and also served as city councilman."
Why do you believe you have been chosen for this award?
"I do not believe that I have done anything in particular to earn this award other than continuing to help serve the wonderful people of our community."